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Who Are You?

Grace Place

Q: Who am I?

A: I am not who my family, friends, enemies, or others say I am. I may not even be who I think I am. I am who God says I am. Period.

I am a perfectly imperfect human saved by God's grace, bathed in mercy and filled with faith. I am a daughter of the King! I suppose that also makes me a princess! If you are a child of God, you too are a prince or princess! Royalty in God's kingdom! Wow! What an incredible truth!

But also truth, we are all perfectly imperfect people. We make mistakes. We fail ourselves, each other, and God. We can be selfish at times, broken at others, and prideful when we feel our character has been challenged.

We may face daily struggles... Maybe depression... anger... doubt... anxiety... fear... or a number of other things. We can easily get so distracted by what everyone else thinks of us that we forget who we are and to whom we belong - if we're not careful.

My friend, even when we forget who we are... Even when others overlook us... When we feel small or insignificant, God sees us. He sees our hearts. Our struggles. Our strengths and weaknesses. He knows us inside out, likely better than we know ourselves.

It can be easy to create a facade, a mask per se, a mirage to hide who we really are in order to give the world a pretty picture of what they want, hope, or expect us to be. But soon the mirage will fade and the real us will be exposed.

Guess what, God was able to see right through all the jazz from the beginning, and He chose to love us anyway!! He sees the real us... flaws and all!!! Yet we are still valuable to him. Precious. Priceless. Adored. We are his children. He is our creator. Only He gets to define who we are.

Next time you're struggling to find your identity, pray. Ask God to give you wisdom and the Holy Spirit to guide you. Don't believe the lies the world tells you. You are amazing!


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