Recently, I got in touch with an old friend... Someone who I hadn’t talked to in years. I had the opportunity to hear a summarized version of his testimony... And wow! It’s not my place to tell his story so I won’t... But I will say that God is AMAZING and I am so proud of my friend because of his courage, his strength, and his ability to overcome the impossible... All by the grace of God.
Guys, we all face struggles. Sometimes life just sucks. We make mistakes. We fall... Sometimes face first in the mud... We get hurt and we hurt others. I am so thankful for God’s outpouring of love, mercy, and grace on my life. Who knows where I would be without it?!?
God has created each one of us, the perfectly imperfect people we are... And He loves us, imperfections and all!!! In the same way, He has called us to love people right where they are... In the dark trenches of sin. It’s not our job to fix anyone. It’s our job to be the light in the darkness...
That said...
I have found that often those who have suffered the greatest moments of darkness and have overcome it are the ones who get out there and change the world.