Hello, Ladies! If you are married or plan on getting married any time in the future, this blog is for you! Loving Him 365 will take a deeper look into how we can love our husbands daily, even (especially) when we don't feel like it. Often, getting to the altar is the easy part. Contrary, a lasting marriage that withstands the storms of life can prove to be more than difficult. The more time we spend with someone, the more we recognize the little quirks that may be a big part of the person we married. These can be the things we love about him, like the way he tightens his butt cheeks while standing in the kitchen making a phenomenal filet dinner, or his random acts of kindness to unknowing strangers, however, they can also be things that get under our skin, like the way he forgets important details of recent conversations, or how he views situations differently, or perhaps, handles them differently than we would. Regardless of how we feel about our husbands in the moment, we should always treat them with love and respect. Does showing love and respect in every circumstance excuse the things that are potentially harmful to us or the relationship? Not at all, but there are ways to create (and stick to) healthy boundaries in our marriages while still giving our husbands the love and respect they desire and need, which I will also address in a future post.
NOTE: I speak from a conservative background, have strong faith and will share insights from my personal experiences and education. I understand that what I have to share may not be for everyone and that's okay. I encourage you to read each blog and apply what you can. I challenge you to consider the things you may not agree with, keep an open mind and think about giving them a try to see if they will make a difference in your life and relationship.
Ultimately, we are each on our own journey. I'm not perfect. I can't offer a one solution fix all. I won't make any promises or guarantee results. I will share what I know to be truth, prayerfully guided by wisdom.
I look forward to YOU joining me as I journey into Loving Him 365 days a year!