The One
Allyson Marx
Few ever find the one who makes their heart flutter...
Their eyes sparkle... Their fears fall away.
Few ever find the one who will laugh with them…
Cry with them… And dance with them in the rain.
Few ever find the one who speaks to their heart, mind, body, and soul.
Few ever find that one who God created to make them whole.
Just when I'd given up finding that one, you found me.
Your touch makes my heart flutter
Like a million butterfly kisses on a beautiful spring day.
When I look into your eyes,
My eyes sparkle with the reflection of the brightest star.
When you hold me close,
Every fear falls away and I feel safe in your warm embrace.
When I laugh with you, my heart smiles.
When I cry, you wipe my tears.
Although I can't dance, I will always dance with you!
Your kindness speaks to my heart. Your wisdom speaks to my mind.
Your touch speaks to my body. Your passion speaks to my soul.
Together, we are complete in Christ, and that's what makes us whole.

The Weeping Willow
Allyson Marx
Her beauty is like a willow standing strong in the world
Independent of her surroundings
The wind and the storms come and shake her to her core
She trembles as the perilous lightning strikes all around her
The thunder's tumultuous cry leaves her feeling vulnerable
Yet she remains strong refusing to surrender
Her locks blow violently while the rain drops from her inner being
She may lose pieces of herself
But she refuses to give in, she refuses to break
The littlest creatures take refuge under her limbs
Knowing she will give her all to protect them from the merciless storm
Whether it last a moment or a lifetime
She knows one day the sun will shine again
And she will be free to bathe in it's warm embrace